Carl Fors has served courts as an expert witness and conducts traffic safety studies, many in conjunction with major universities. He has almost three decades experience and is regularly published, nationally in police, public safety, and department of transportation magazines.
We offer expert witness testimony for the prosecution only in Judicial notice hearings at the court's location.  Mr. Fors has appeared for many jurisdictions including the United States Department of Justice and is published in one of the nation's foremost legal journals on the necessity of state adoption of state-wide judicial notice of laser use.  He has appeared in scores of municipal and appellate trails, and has testified before state Senate Committees considering radar and laser use for state-wide acceptance.
SML received a subpoena to appear as a court recognized Expert Witness by the State of Ohio in December. The case revolved around the necessity of Expert Testimony involving the use of moving radar and a court recognized expert witness to explain its functions.  SML described the Doppler Principle and the necessity of inputting the patrol car's speed in its computation moving target vehicles.  Radar is different than LIDAR in that it uses bounced radio frequencies, microwaves, to determine the speed of an approaching or receding vehicle.  RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging compared to LIDAR's (laser) use of infrared light at 904-905 nanometers.  LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LIDAR stands for Light Detection And Ranging Lidar is used in police applications.  Both radar and laser travel at the speed of light which is 186.282.4 mile/sec.  Radar determines the speed of a moving target vehicle by the returned frequency.  If the returned frequency is higher than the transmitted frequency the target vehicle is approaching (compressed) and it will be returned at a higher frequency than transmitted.  If the target vehicle is going away, the returned frequency is lower than the transmitted frequency or stretched.


Expert Witness Testimony
Fees for expert witness testimony are of course determined by numerous applicable factors - however we believe you'll find Mr. Fors to be both afforadable and effective!



For more information please call us at (316) 263-5300